im not fully sure why im posting this but i feel its a bit surreal.
Do people playing DYM's realise the format?
ive just played one, got down to the final 2 so both cash and it was a 30p so we both get the same points anyhows. So, wanting to enter another i keep pushing all in every hand. and the guy left kept folding and abusing me, telling me to "give over" and calling me various names of which he could get banned for...
i mean i dont mind being abused at but we was playing for nothing! surely this guy realises? but nope just keep abusing.. went on for about 15 hands to which when he called i lost he spammed HAHAHAH... lmao
found it pretty funny and thought id share see if anyones come up against a player like this? and should/how do i report, thanks.
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I am sorry to hear you have had abuse at the tables, please, report it to Customer Care, they will need the player alias, and the table ID, they can then investiagte this matter, and take any action they feel suitable.
Thank you
Sky Mod
Please don't name players in the forum. instead, head to customer care and make the report. this is the only way to ensure abuse is correctly dealt with.
Thanks for your co-operation.
But now its all relative - perhaps he had misclicked and thought he was in a STT - Would be funny when he checked his payout at the end tho
i know some ppl like to practise their Hu , but its hard to do when the other person/ppl are shoving every hand