i am fortunate enough to have won entry to santas sack and have also won a second entry which i carnt use you would think that sky would allow players to offer the second entry up as prizes to other players who may not be lucky enough to get one.
have been told they are nontransferable mmmmmmm 7.15 deepy tonite seems it one rule for one one rule for the rest
just my thought
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Assuming that you spoke to someone at customer care who told you it was non-transferrable, it might be worth PMing Gadgerno1 and see who authorised the transfer of his prize. I'm guessing that when he originally contacted CC they forwarded his request onto one of the Sky Team who authorised the transfer and its that person who you need to contact about your request.
As in some other comps (the turbo HU for example) - If someone already has a seat they are going on countback and giving it to the person who came next
A bit like the FA cup - if a team is already in europe they will give the europa spot to the losing finalist.
i think this is a fairer way to distribute the seats