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bounty hunter tourns.... id rather go to a clown convention!

jimbo31jimbo31 Member Posts: 294
edited October 2009 in Poker Chat

I am never going to register for one of these tourns table early stages were calling and reraising wiv absoulte junk... here is one example... mr shorty goes in wiv 800 chips..blinds 25/50... fold an all in off 4k.... then another all in of 2k.... both callers flip over 10 3 off...and 8 5 off respectively.... my shorty shows k 9!!!.... anyway..wont bore u with the details but then the big stack gets all look at me im chipleader 3 heads blah blah blah.... unfortunately i will never ever play one of these mickey mouse tourneys ever again... how are people learning about the game when all they wanna do is get it in the middle and "lets race"..... i had to sit out of a few hands and stare in disbelief what was before my eyes these"plays" that people were making... is a sad state of affairs if they think that this is poker... from now on ill invest my tenner to go see coco the clown and his friends!!


  • SwansFCSwansFC Member Posts: 308
    edited October 2009
    Seeing a lot more of this play lately, the mind boggles
  • mr_mbromr_mbro Member Posts: 1,152
    edited October 2009
    In Response to bounty hunter tourns.... id rather go to a clown convention!:
    I am never going to register for one of these tourns table early stages were calling and reraising wiv absoulte junk... here is one example... mr shorty goes in wiv 800 chips..blinds 25/50... fold an all in off 4k.... then another all in of 2k.... both callers flip over 10 3 off...and 8 5 off respectively.... my shorty shows k 9!!!.... anyway..wont bore u with the details but then the big stack gets all look at me im chipleader 3 heads blah blah blah.... unfortunately i will never ever play one of these mickey mouse tourneys ever again... how are people learning about the game when all they wanna do is get it in the middle and "lets race"..... i had to sit out of a few hands and stare in disbelief what was before my eyes these"plays" that people were making... is a sad state of affairs if they think that this is poker... from now on ill invest my tenner to go see coco the clown and his friends!!
    Posted by jimbo31
    this is what has happened lately. its just gambling, that why i dont play them, unfortunatly its crept into the other games. People cant lay hands down.
  • PILLOWMANPILLOWMAN Member Posts: 1,165
    edited October 2009
    Deep stack yesterday , early doors , everyone has roughly there starting stack. Player goes all-in , another one calls . They show QJ and 55 !!!
  • Huck_NallHuck_Nall Member Posts: 216
    edited October 2009
    In Response to bounty hunter tourns.... id rather go to a clown convention!:
    I am never going to register for one of these tourns table early stages were calling and reraising wiv absoulte junk... here is one example... mr shorty goes in wiv 800 chips..blinds 25/50... fold an all in off 4k.... then another all in of 2k.... both callers flip over 10 3 off...and 8 5 off respectively.... my shorty shows k 9!!!.... anyway..wont bore u with the details but then the big stack gets all look at me im chipleader 3 heads blah blah blah.... unfortunately i will never ever play one of these mickey mouse tourneys ever again... how are people learning about the game when all they wanna do is get it in the middle and "lets race"..... i had to sit out of a few hands and stare in disbelief what was before my eyes these"plays" that people were making... is a sad state of affairs if they think that this is poker... from now on ill invest my tenner to go see coco the clown and his friends!!
    Posted by jimbo31
    I dont play em anyway Jimbo!
    They're OK as a 'now and again' novelty but dont see the point of making them 'flagship' tournies!
  • phil12ukphil12uk Member Posts: 2,856
    edited October 2009
    Save ur money m8. Surprised u even entered cos u know what's gonna happen.  Save ur money for something better structured........... although i'm struggling at the moment to see many choices!
  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,562
    edited October 2009
    In Response to Re: bounty hunter tourns.... id rather go to a clown convention!:
    Deep stack yesterday , early doors , everyone has roughly there starting stack. Player goes all-in , another one calls . They show QJ and 55 !!!
    Posted by PILLOWMAN
    I was EXACTLY the same play in a Live Tourney, the Baden EPT, the year before last.

    It was in Level One, & it was All-In Pre-Flop. The Tourney cost  5,000 Euros to enter.

    QJ man was Patrik Antonius, & 55 man was Johnny Lodden.  
  • PILLOWMANPILLOWMAN Member Posts: 1,165
    edited October 2009
    In Response to Re: bounty hunter tourns.... id rather go to a clown convention!:
    In Response to Re: bounty hunter tourns.... id rather go to a clown convention! : I was EXACTLY the same play in a Live Tourney, the Baden EPT, the year before last. It was in Level One, & it was All-In Pre-Flop. The Tourney cost  5,000 Euros to enter. QJ man was Patrik Antonius, & 55 man was Johnny Lodden.  
    Posted by Tikay10
    omg . lol . omg . Thats all i can think right now ,lol.
  • MICKYBLUEMICKYBLUE Member Posts: 2,035
    edited October 2009
    In Response to Re: bounty hunter tourns.... id rather go to a clown convention!:
    In Response to Re: bounty hunter tourns.... id rather go to a clown convention! : I was EXACTLY the same play in a Live Tourney, the Baden EPT, the year before last. It was in Level One, & it was All-In Pre-Flop. The Tourney cost  5,000 Euros to enter. QJ man was Patrik Antonius, & 55 man was Johnny Lodden.  
    Posted by Tikay10
    wow hope u trebled up.... cause not otherwise u forget the hand lol
  • razorkevrazorkev Member Posts: 1,364
    edited October 2009
    In Response to bounty hunter tourns.... id rather go to a clown convention!:
    I am never going to register for one of these tourns table early stages were calling and reraising wiv absoulte junk... here is one example... mr shorty goes in wiv 800 chips..blinds 25/50... fold an all in off 4k.... then another all in of 2k.... both callers flip over 10 3 off...and 8 5 off respectively.... my shorty shows k 9!!!.... anyway..wont bore u with the details but then the big stack gets all look at me im chipleader 3 heads blah blah blah.... unfortunately i will never ever play one of these mickey mouse tourneys ever again... how are people learning about the game when all they wanna do is get it in the middle and "lets race"..... i had to sit out of a few hands and stare in disbelief what was before my eyes these"plays" that people were making... is a sad state of affairs if they think that this is poker... from now on ill invest my tenner to go see coco the clown and his friends!!
    Posted by jimbo31
    i know your play m8 and suprised you enter these chancing torns,, i go for the 10k one but that one only and thts if i sat in..
  • goddenkylegoddenkyle Member Posts: 93
    edited October 2009
    To be honesst guys i dont agree at all with this all in fact.......
      I agree with the whole idea that there are lot of maniacs playing these tourny's, and if you wnt a stres free hard slog play the deepie, but as far as value for money goes the bounty is excellent. 
      The reason i say this is becuase i am making money out of them routinely!!! check my sharkscope for bounty tourny's, they are so easy, and best of all frequent. There is players queing up to give away there hole tourny to win 1.88 or 3.75 or whatever just to take a bounty. My advice is just play your game take it slow and dont rise to re allin moves. If you have a hand play it strong dont value bet allmost never!!! and still remember that you can allways fold if you get a sniff of a real hand. You should find that you start to get some solid results...its almost like playin a 6max sit and go turbo on stars agg is the key but in moderation.
     For example im playing the 2oquid bounty as i write this and i just picked up 88 on BB blinds a 20 40 dealer calls every one else folds, small blind open shoves allin for 2k, im thinking he either has v small pair or AK because he would slow play AA KK or QQ as would most donks, so i call he has AK miss's i just picked up 10quid thanks very much to that plyr. The only reason i could make this call is be3cause its so easy to put him on that small range of hands that mke sense.....also because i had allreay doubled up on 3rd hand with KK when someone got stubborn with 89 on 8 high board after i re-raise pre and on flop. ITS SO EASY!!!!!!
      Ok saying all that sometimes you will have to take coolers but hey next tourny is never more than 59mins away just plug along, make some money its what its al about isn't it?????
  • kirstiikirstii Member Posts: 787
    edited October 2009
    In Response to Re: bounty hunter tourns.... id rather go to a clown convention!:
    In Response to Re: bounty hunter tourns.... id rather go to a clown convention! : I was EXACTLY the same play in a Live Tourney, the Baden EPT, the year before last. It was in Level One, & it was All-In Pre-Flop. The Tourney cost  5,000 Euros to enter. QJ man was Patrik Antonius, & 55 man was Johnny Lodden.  
    Posted by Tikay10
    I guess we know "what johnny lodden thinks" now. "Patrick is a donkey" lol
  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,562
    edited October 2009

    The moral of the Lodden-Antonius story is that on every poker forum, everywhere in the world, you see threads like this daily. They refer equally to Online Poker as to Live Poker, big buy-ins as to micro-limits.

    Bounty Hunters are no different to anything else. Folks do what we consider strange thingsin every sort of Tourney, they just do.

    I can't explain many of them, & I've been round the poker block a time or two.

    But the day I start moaning about bad play & bad players, is the day I give up poker. Without these plays, & players, the game would be impossible to beat.

    If they pay their Entry Feee, they can play any way they like. It's up to us to find ways to combat their playing style.
  • BlackFish3BlackFish3 Member Posts: 2,418
    edited October 2009
    I dont understand all these threads moaning about poor play... its exactly as TK says... just learn to capitalise off the bad players, if you cant do this then it is likely you are one of them!
  • goddenkylegoddenkyle Member Posts: 93
    edited October 2009
    blackfish just to let you know i sent you my email addy you should have in your worries
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