at the risk of this getting deleted or closed quickly I have to put this out there
once again we have a scheduled outage, which we can all understand are needed, but once again issues arise when the client goes back live.
this morning I go to log in at around 9am only to be met with my log in not being accepted, both on the download and the browser. I get onto live chat a little disgruntled but the operator was as helpful as he could be but I do think his hands were tied, even he said he couldn't log on to help us out properly and acknowledged they were experiencing problems and were aware of it all.
these problems, whatever they may be, are becoming all too frequent after scheduled outages. at the minute im now quite hesitant to join tables because history suggests there may be something else go wrong just a short time down the line. confidence is slowly getting eroded at the minute and I doubt im the only one.
this cant be good for the image of sky poker or the sky gaming family in general. I left comments in the live chat to this effect and asked for them to be passed on, so im not just airing grievences here.
its all becoming a little too much, im a loyal customer to the site having played here for over 6 year, I can only imagine the impression recreational players have should they come here and get met with these sort of problems
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So I contacted CC and they said they were having issues with people being able to log in. Then I was able to log in 2 seconds after speaking to him.
FWIW, I was just playing a HU SnG, playing on the download (I never play in browser), and it just decided to stop letting me act. It put me to away and the 'I'm back' button was there but clicking it did nothing. You can imagine how long you have to be 'away' in a Hyper before you are dead
So I have to go to a poker chat discussion, click on it and then log in and it works.
So true about constant problems, not many other sites have this, just not good enough and I think a lot of the regs have had enough of it..
All Sky Betting & Gaming services will be undergoing scheduled maintenance from 4:45am - 7:30am this morning. Apologies, we'll be back soon!
Hopefully when the new software arrives in late 2045 the issues will be resolved
todays issue after the outage was when I went to log on at 9am, other issues from previous weeks and months have happened at various times thru out the day.
whenever it occurs is not a good look and that is the point of the 2nd part of the quote. it was only last week they had an emergency outage less than 12 hours after the scheduled outage and that hasn't been the first time this year they have had to do that. the more it happens the more chance there is that recreational players stumble across them and look elsewhere.
Its getting to a point where im totally fed up encountering these problems and im sure there is many others feel the same but im more likely to tolerate it more because im a "reg" whereas the "recs" are likely to look elsewhere for their game at that time.
as ive stated its not specific to today that I started this thread, its more of an accumulation of the last few months.
btw it would surprise you how many log on that early. the last few weeks I can get more tables running from 9-10am that I can get going at 12-1pm.
oh and give it a rest with the software reply in most your posts, I guess your a little disgruntled because your not part of the current beta testing
The thing that is really annoying me lately is all the mistakes being madewith the satallite prizes.
Once or twice you can understand but when these things are consistantly happening over and over again it just comes across as very amateurish sometimes.
I didnt miss the point, the short of it is you are unhappy about all the downtime.
If you are that fussed then just find another site, its not difficult, all these compaint posts are getting tiresome.
And no, im not really that bothered about the new software, I now have the facility to run 2monitors and just deal without autotop up. The 2045 was just a running joke about how long it has taken.
I love playing at Sky, even despite these small problems, purely because the general standard of play is abysmal.
Then i reloaded onto sky (had to resign in) and the same thing happened 2 minutes later.
This was a hand when this happened