Great quiz, but my brain is obviously fading quickly. Embarrassed to say i only got 109 because my mind went blank with the earlier ones. Had managed to wipe several Man Utd players from my mind (Neville's etc) and even forgot Beckham and Owen
quite fun that 183 i got, short term mermory is terrible, got all the old ones no problem, but had brain freeze think of some of the newer ones, prob cos we didnt just hand out caps back in the day for the crack :-)
missed: Pallister, Platt, Beardsley, Redknapp, Robinson, Crouch, Brown, Barry, SWP, Walcott. Lennon, Bent, Lescott, Cleverley - what a sh!7 team that would have been!!
95/96 were really hard for me since i was like 5 years olds then.
2012 was my next worst year tho, absolute howler.
Couldn't get Young and Parker . O how they have faded.
Missed Bent aswell from 09
Also had loads of trouble typing in some names. Typed in hart literally 20 + untill it worked.
Great find splashies!

Missed Southgate, Defoe, James and J Cole which cost me dear.
And Luke Young of course