Hi all,
I am so touched and surprised by the amount of people who have taken the time at this point (08:45 Saturday) to respond to me and each one of you has done nothing but give me words of support and kindness.
So to jimbOd1, shakinaces, grantorino, goldnballz, ThePudding (Naturally - Thanks sweetheart - Love you too xxx), lovejunky, FlyingDagg, tomgoodun, dragon1964, MP33 and especially TeddyBloat who's words were really touching, I say a huge THANK YOU for taking the time to give a silly little creature like me your supportive messages. I cannot tell you how much it has meant to me - TRULY.
I am really touched.
Anyone else who responds I thank also for each and every message means the world to me.
I wish all of the above and anyone else who happens to read this the best of luck on the tables today and seriously, thanks so much.
May the river be with you.
Mog x