After recently falling down due to bad run and tilt and for only the second time ever bankcrupting my BR I have decided to start from scratch and prove to myself that I am still a winning player. I previously played too many tables, autopiloting and then chasing losses by moving up stakes and in the process going away from my game and more importanly the enjoyment of playing.
So here i am with the aim to play to enjoy the game and concentrate on playing games that I want to play and how I want to play and forget about PP goals and solely on increasing my BR. Obviously thats what I want to do but I have to change the way I go about it and let the BR take care of itself naturally like it used to.
I will start with about £50 and from the 1st of next month I will start with a record of how I do and my thoughts on how I am doing and hopefully get some feedback about how I do things.
So starting from nl4 and low stakes MTTs and Sng's I am going to try and get my confidence back.
I played for about an hour at four (my maximum tables from now on to allow more ingame focusing) 4nl tables and broke even. I felt I played decent, made decisions through the streets and thought more about why I bet/call/check etc and why my opponents are bet/call/checking.
Hi Craig Hope you don't mind me posting Just wanted to let you now I can relate to everything you saying after having a bit of a crazy blow up last night. Maybe we can kind of buddy each other along a bit as we're in the same boat. Even if its just saying hi at the tables and occasionally posting on here I was thinking maybe it would help just to know someone else going through a similar sort of thing. I wish you well anyway.
for now, in cash it's best to play the ABC TAG style and play on the nl4 tables that have got the shortest chip stacks that way you will easily get the money you want and not get as much lost in them bad beats.
good luck mate.
Yeah good to see you've had a change of heart Craig - can be a cruel game but you have definitely got the ability to beat the micros (at least) over the long term.
Stepping down to NL4 is a good shout and I think it's a handy skill to not be too proud to drop back to basics to try and get your mojo back.
All the best with the rebuild.
Been on a bad run for 5 or 6 weeks myself.
Like you i've been through my hands and can't find too much wrong.
Guess its got to change soon if you believe the variance thing.
PlayerActionCardsAmountPotBalanceharryewSmall blind 500.00500.003565.00CASHTOLOSEBig blind 1000.001500.0014420.00 Your hole cards10hJh avishark11Raise 2000.003500.0043160.00CraigSG1Call 2000.005500.0032775.00hifiFold harryewAll-in 3565.009065.000.00CASHTOLOSEFold avishark11Call 2065.0011130.0041095.00CraigSG1Call 2065.0013195.0030710.00Flop Qh4h8h avishark11Check CraigSG1Bet 6000.0019195.0024710.00avishark11Call 6000.0025195.0035095.00Turn 7 avishark11Check CraigSG1All-in 24710.0049905.000.00avishark11Call 24710.0074615.0010385.00harryewShow6hKh avishark11Show5hAh CraigSG1Show10hJh River A avishark11WinFlush to the Ace74615.00 85000.00