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Live Poker Tells/ Reads

LARSON7LARSON7 Member Posts: 4,495
edited August 2014 in Poker Chat
Hey everyone!

Question for all the live players out there.

What kind of reads/ tells do you look for live?

When I first started playing used to think it would be a lot easier to get tells live than online.

In the last year I've only played live 3 times and have to say didn't find it easy getting reads, unless it was something really obvious!

When playing live, what kind of things is best to look out for?


  • SlipwaterSlipwater Member Posts: 3,705
    edited August 2014
    The super-interested lean across the felt when your opponent picks up a big hand is a fun one to look out for :)
  • BorinLonerBorinLoner Member Posts: 3,863
    edited August 2014
    Well, if any of them have any oreos...
  • Sweet_FASweet_FA Member Posts: 10
    edited August 2014
    Made some redicules calls with practising this with friends has helpped in casinos against less experianced players

    When they actually bet and put out there chips look for any signs of hesitation for example if they put the chips out and then tidy them up, even just taking long bringing back there hand after putting out chips i think i remember somone saying its consuion way of trying to stop your players calling straight away just gives that tiny bit of time to make them think. so this can somtimes mean a bluff

    if a player counts his stack before making a bet can normally mean he's looking to see how much he has left if he loses the current hand so can mean weakness 

    If a player starring at he board quite a bit, can again be a  consuion thing of trying to find a hand that they don't have.

    If the flop comes down and you see a player sigh or really look fed up may even little tut. again unexperianced players with this, but that means he's LOVES that flop 

    there are few videos you can watch on youtube that shows some good one's but these are some i've found have helpped in spots. 

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