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YipeeYapee Post about HU



  • lJAMESllJAMESl Member Posts: 591
    edited January 2010
    To be honest I deal with hit and runners all the time, it doesn't really bother me as their usually unknowns (not regs on the site) and to be perfectly honest I expect it. I have had regs hit and run me too, sure its annoying but I'm not gonna lose sleep over it. But on this occassion the person it was done to is a friend of mine and not someone I would consider to be willing to get controversial with the matter etc but like she has said "lets move on" in her earlier post.
    I completely agree with Ling tho that if someone thinks they don't have an edge and are -EV in the game they should leave. Personally I think the thread is pointless though and to me just looked like an attack on the players that he expected to complain about what he had done.
    edited January 2010

    Ok so there has been alot of interest in this, and I want to clarify my original thread was not an attack on any individuals, although my comment about trash talk, kind of is, but whatever there are no rules that diasallow that and many players use it effectively to put other players off their game, so I guess credit to them if it works.

     To answer James question, I think you often play higher stakes, I'd consider playing you maybe £.50/1 to get a feel for you if you want, that way I'm risking less. The fact your putting yourself out there to play me, oozes confidence so I'm inevitably some what reserved before I jump into a big game with you.

    DantB, I might play you, again if you want to do 50/1 sometimes, i can give it a go. The thing is even if I lose, the best way to learn is to play better players.

    hope everyone is well, see you on the tables soon. J

  • dantb10dantb10 Member Posts: 583
    edited January 2010
    No probs yipee!

    i dont think people were necessarily calling you in particular a hit and runner, they were just commenting on their views on hit and running, either for or against.

    GL dude, catch you on the tables.

  • loonytoonsloonytoons Member Posts: 4,270
    edited January 2010
    To be fair, i can see why it would really get on your t i t s so to speak when a player takes a quick big pot and then exits, however i would have thought that when playing HU big money, waiting for opponents, you would get loads of gamblers / chancers having a punt, id have thought thats the type of player you would want?? They may be gone for now but you can bet they will be back sometime, they aint gonna be lucky all the time. I suppose it affects the big cash players more because if someone comes on my table and double ups they go with 6/7 quid lol, with them it may be hundreds, however i suppose its all relative, my advice would be, if you see a player you know does this, and you dont agree with this tactic, and they come to your HU table, you dont have to play them!!
  • freechips1freechips1 Member Posts: 861
    edited January 2010
    i have bit my lip over this and wasn't going to say a word but i cant help myself. yippieyapee you do hit n run, a while back i was sat at 2 plo 10p/20p tables and you sat at one of them, in a short time you had got your stack up to £70 and typed in i have to go now, ok fair enough i thought. 1 min later you sat at my other table.
        about 20 mins ago you sat at £5/£10 plo with jakally you won £77 and sat out, don't say you disconnected or had to go out as 30 secs later you sat at a 6 seater £5/£10 plo table.  i am not saying hit n run is wrong its something i would never do, and i wont play anyone who does.
  • jakallyjakally Member Posts: 421
    edited January 2010

    Does Yippeee hit n run............... IMO yes.
    Does  it, not to me. I don't do it (if I am winning, will always try and give someone 5 / 10 mins notice that I am going to quit), but each to their own.

    The reality is, if you have an edge over someone, and play a couple of thousand hands against them, you will probably win - doesn't make a huge difference if the hands are played over 1 session, or 10 sessions.
    If Yippeee has an edge he is hurting himself by cutting sessions short........if it's the other way around, he is only delaying the inevitable.

    BTW Yippeeee, I know some others may be reluctant to play you now, but I am more than happy to sit against you.
    When you want to leave, just leave......don't feel the need to spin some elaborate story

  • OMahonyOOMahonyO Member Posts: 1,883
    edited January 2010
    it may be the phone or the door.

    U must be popular in real life

  • offshootoffshoot Member Posts: 1,049
    edited January 2010
    if you hit n run you shouldnt expect any courtesy from the people you do it to. 
  • CowgomooCowgomoo Member Posts: 749
    edited January 2010
    In Response to Re: YipeeYapee Post about HU:
    if you hit n run you shouldnt expect any courtesy from the people you do it to. 
    Posted by offshoot
    Again, I totally agree
  • BlackFish3BlackFish3 Member Posts: 2,418
    edited January 2010
    whats wrong with hitting and running?
    edited January 2010
    There isn't a whole lot wrong with hit n running, it just leaves the other player really frustrated, especially if he thinks he has an edge, some players think it's a good way to bankroll build, as maybe it prevents the other player from being given sufficient time to work out your game.
    I'd like to call jakally out, stating in his opinion i hit n run. Lets remember we played for like an hour, at 0.5/1, 2 tables, and then I said ok lets play higher, so we did, I felt it was to insane even for me, as I definetly don't have the bankroll for 5/10 hu plo. On top of that, jakally just nitted it up to the max, presumably the stakes were to high for him aswell. I don't think it can be called a hit n run when you play for longer than an hour, and when you leave with 7bb profit.
    gl on the tables, j
  • jakallyjakally Member Posts: 421
    edited January 2010
    In Response to Re: YipeeYapee Post about HU:
    There isn't a whole lot wrong with hit n running, it just leaves the other player really frustrated, especially if he thinks he has an edge, some players think it's a good way to bankroll build, as maybe it prevents the other player from being given sufficient time to work out your game. I'd like to call jakally out, stating in his opinion i hit n run. Lets remember we played for like an hour, at 0.5/1, 2 tables, and then I said ok lets play higher, so we did, I felt it was to insane even for me, as I definetly don't have the bankroll for 5/10 hu plo. On top of that, jakally just nitted it up to the max, presumably the stakes were to high for him aswell. I don't think it can be called a hit n run when you play for longer than an hour, and when you leave with 7bb profit. gl on the tables, j
    Posted by YIPEEYAPEE
    Yippee, I got no problem with you, you know that.

    But just LOL at stakes too high.
    And how can you tell I nitted it up when you quit £5/£10 after 13 hands with your £82 profit.

  • BrownnDogBrownnDog Member Posts: 729
    edited January 2010
    Good Afternoon

    Yes it is true that I have been victim of YipeeYapee's hitting and running. Let me make one thing absolutely clear hitting and running IS bad poker etiquette. It is an unwritten rule of the game that you do not quit a heads up match whilst winning big without either giving notice of when you are going to leave or giving your opponent the opportunity to play further. I would also like to clarify that I did not "trash talk" him nor am I part of some grand consipiracy against him in which he states the heads up regs. are conspiring by getting him to play heads up against multiple oppenents and thus putting him off his game. I am not gulity of these charges and after all this is a kangaroo court and I refuse to plead before it. I consider both accusations to be highly slanderous and I kindly request a retraction from him. Also Yippe I am more than willing to play you heads up for any stakes only with the condition that you do not quit before an agreed time or number of hands.


  • N1CKN1CK Member Posts: 1,453
    edited January 2010
    so hes a hit n runner, if it bothers anyone that much DONT PLAY HIM
  • loonytoonsloonytoons Member Posts: 4,270
    edited January 2010
    In Response to Re: YipeeYapee Post about HU:
    Good Afternoon Yes it is true that I have been victim of YipeeYapee's hitting and running. Let me make one thing absolutely clear hitting and running IS bad poker etiquette. It is an unwritten rule of the game that you do not quit a heads up match whilst winning big without either giving notice of when you are going to leave or giving your opponent the opportunity to play further. I would also like to clarify that I did not "trash talk" him nor am I part of some grand consipiracy against him in which he states the heads up regs. are conspiring by getting him to play heads up against multiple oppenents and thus putting him off his game. I am not gulity of these charges and after all this is a kangaroo court and I refuse to plead before it. I consider both accusations to be highly slanderous and I kindly request a retraction from him. Also Yippe I am more than willing to play you heads up for any stakes only with the condition that you do not quit before an agreed time or number of hands. Regards Brownnndog
    Posted by BrownnDog

     You consider both accusations to be slanderous - this is wrong in law as slander relates to the spoken word, i believe you would be better going down the libel (the written word) route, i hope this helps
  • BlackFish3BlackFish3 Member Posts: 2,418
    edited January 2010
    please tell me why hit and running is bad?? Surely it is just playing but for a shorter time than you would like? If they sucked out to double up and ran then there will be others who wont be so lucky. If you made a mistake then surely it was your own fault? It just seems like hit and running frustrates people because they have lost money and instantly want to get it back, can losers hit and run? say they lose a buy in and leave why is that not hit and running? Is it you are wanting to play for a long period of time or is that you just want money and any loss of money frustrates you into venting on the player that has left happily with his winnings?

    this is not directed at anyone but i just dont understand how it is bad etiquette to hit and run.
  • ckdckd Member Posts: 1,386
    edited January 2010

     yipee if you have made money and then left the table wp mate i always end up losing it

     so to get up and walk away ahead good for you

     every1 can get up and leave whenever they want to

     i want to try getting into the cash games as they seem fun so ill play you anytime you want to wont be big stacks  as im fairly new to this

     as for the regulars on this site i would like to play the big rollers at cash and hopefully learn some things but i don't have the skills or bankroll to keep up with you would any of you be interested in lower stacks to help a fellow player out
    edited January 2010
    sure m8, if you want we can play like a 5pence / 10pence table, just message me or write on here, and arrange a time,
    p.s. if you win you have to cover it up and pretend you lost massive, thats the only stipulation
  • GliterBabeGliterBabe Member Posts: 361
    edited January 2010
    I wasn't going to comment on this, but feel the need to set the record straight.  Yippee I have never once slated you to anyone on this site just merely warning people you play to be careful.   Playing HU enables me to pick and choose who I want to play with... On 3 occasions you have decided to leave after winning a buyin or 2 off me in a short period of time.  I haven't got a problem with you doing this, all I ask is you don't sit down at my game wanting to play ( that's the annoying bit ) cause i'm not interested....

    Like I said it's nothing personal just my choice and please respect that. What you do is up to you...

  • barnsiebarnsie Member Posts: 496
    edited January 2010
    the regs dont like "clever" shortstackers/hitnrunners just the stupid donky ones

    please bear this in mind in the future before upsetting the precious ones

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