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Did I do anything wrong here?

ToffeeandyToffeeandy Member Posts: 943
edited December 2021 in Strategy
A £2.20 deepy and I'm sitting 6th with 9 players remaining, the bubble was 12th so in the money, then this hand happened:
ToffeeandySmall blind1000.001000.0043708.48
nuffleBig blind2000.003000.0089525.02
Your hole cards
  • A
  • 10
  • 5
  • A
  • 10
  • A
  • 10
  • K
  • J
  • Q
  • 4
nuffleWinStraight to the Ace89416.96136233.50
I then made a comment along the lines of "f**k me", he replied "i just did"; I said that I'd destroyed him and still lost to which he said that I'd destroyed myself with my donk jam; so did I? I think his initial raise is just about ok (he was chip leader and I could have had anything) but I think calling my shove essentially with a gut shot, and knowing I probably have an ace the way I've played the hand, is terrible. But then he appears to be a fairly profitable player whereas I'm a relative novice. So did I f**k this hand up or has a good player played a hand badly and got away with it? Or neither?!? These sort of spots beat me up because I'm trying to get better and get annoyed when I get knocked out having played a hand well (in my eyes) only to be castigated by a better player having got lucky (again, in my eyes!) Any comments appreciated.


  • ToffeeandyToffeeandy Member Posts: 943
    edited March 2018
    Even odds-wise I think he's getting something like 4 & a bit to 1 with a call to at best a 6.25 to 1 shot (2 go's at hitting 1 of 4 queens) so that makes the call wrong too?
  • K0BAYASHlK0BAYASHl Member Posts: 2,029
    You got it in with the best hand, what more can you ask for? ( apart from it to hold)
  • K0BAYASHlK0BAYASHl Member Posts: 2,029
    Once he bets and you Chk raise him, he has to call, because he is priced in. If his playing the hand like this then I’d assume he would call your shove if you just shoved on him on flop, also if you c/bet he would probably call and then the same outcome would happen. Just unlucky bud.
  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,562
    Hi @Toffeeandy

    The usual disclaimer from me that I'm not the best placed to comment, but to me, this is just basic A-B-C stuff.

    1) No, you did nothing wrong.

    2) If there's something you can learn from this is IGNORE the derogatory comments other players may make in these situations. It does not matter what he thinks, it's irrelevant. We could say, for example, "it was a terrible call by him", or "he played the hand poorly", but what's the point, what does it gain us?

    It's poker, we get it in good & get beat, we get it in bad & we win, it's the same for us all.

    As far as I can see, you played the hand just fine. You got it in real good & he needed a 4 outer to get there.

    Honestly, forget dissecting his play, & verbal "afters", just play your game, & keep doing the right things. Your results are decent over a reasonable sample size,

    As poker players, our character is revealed when we take tough beats like this.

    Just forget the hand & move on mate, you are doing just fine.

  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,562

    Even odds-wise I think he's getting something like 4 & a bit to 1 with a call to at best a 6.25 to 1 shot (2 go's at hitting 1 of 4 queens) so that makes the call wrong too?

    Why does it matter if Villain made a bad (or good) call?

    Build a bridge mate.

    This sort of thing will happen every single night if you play enough.

    Looking back on what we perceive as other player's mistakes is negative thinking - it achieves nothing.

    Fill your head with positive thinking, it is so much more productive.

    Getting annoyed at someone else's play won't ever improve your game, will it?

    Good luck fella, you are doing just fine.

  • Itsover4uItsover4u Member Posts: 1,538
    I know people are saying you did nothing wrong but there is definitely room for improvement.

    Min raising a hand like a10 off invites a 3 bet or allows hands like 78s to realise there equity.

    I would be looking to make it between 2.5 - 2.75 in this spot and re evaluate based on opponent if he 3 bets or jams.

    As played with the min raise when we are 3 bet im pretty much always re jamming pre A10 off does not play well as a 3 bet call pre but beats enough of his 3 bet range to a min bet to make it profitable.

    He almost certainly has to fold A9 kq off and worse and will occasionally fold Aj 77 and below.

    I would also (as played) just flat the flop c bet - if he has 3 bet with air we almost always want to induce with top 2 to get all the chips - Why give him a reason to fold?

    Too many players are too scared of getting outdrawn so just jam over the top when they have a hand strong enough they should actually be flatting to get max value out of air.

    Just my view on the hand - its always too easy to say we got it in good and got unlucky in these spots, when actually these are the exact spots that come up time and time again and there are improvements to make.


  • ToffeeandyToffeeandy Member Posts: 943
    Thanks for the comments guys, good to get a different perspective than my own! Think it boils down to I played the hand ok and got unlucky (Kobayashi & Tikay) but certain things I did during the hand contributed to the outcome and partially allowed this to happen (itsover4u). I'm always willing to listen when I'm given ways of improving how I play so thanks for your input. And Tikay, yeah, I definitely need to avoid allowing myself to get affected by chatbox comments berating my play, which admittedly I brought on myself a bit by my initial comment. Will keep trying to improve B):)
  • FeelGroggyFeelGroggy Member Posts: 843
    We should never be flatting this 3bet size. It should be all in or fold. (blind on blind Ace Ten is a pretty big hand so would need to think villain is only 3betting very good hands to raise fold) Against the sizing he's gone I doubt we have much fold equity as once you've shoved he's virtually priced in having to risk 30,000 chips to win a pot that is already 60,000, so we need to weigh up how good AT is against all the hands he 3bets. Calling preflop leaving a pot size bet behind in a situation where we are mostly going to whiff the flop is not an appealing option.
    Limping the small blind against active players who are going to attack it too much, to then jam is something that could be implemented with this type of hand.

  • EvilPinguEvilPingu Member Posts: 3,462
    I'm with @Itsover4u and @FeelGroggy regarding preflop. Raise/call is yuck, hand feels too good to raise/fold and we're not fistpumping if we have to raise/call either.

    Personally, I like a limp/call or a limp/jam better against most opponents. It achieves multiple things:

    - AT is going to be one of the better hands we can limp. It means when we limp/jam, or limp and show down AT, opponent is going to be wary of attacking our SB limps. As BB then likely checks more, we can exploit that by limping some worse stuff that would be unprofitable otherwise (esp w/o antes on Sky, there's a lot of stuff that is unprofitable to limp SB with).
    - AT is a hand we can very easily limp/jam if the BB is likely to attack our limps with a wide range, should we so choose, and we can just win 3-4bb a lot of the time when he folds. I think vs opponents that attack limps too hard or are generally overly aggressive, we're gonna show a profit limp/jamming ATo for 22bb because we get enough folds to compensate for when they do have a hand.
    - When we limp/call, by giving our opponent the lead with a hand where we're going to make a lot of strong top pairs, we can pretty comfortably go into x/c mode on a lot of Axx and Txx boards. Can x/jam some wet T high boards with like 2.5-3.5 SPR otf depending on BB raise size, and feel pretty good about your equity too.
    - When our opponent checks, we can get some blinds off our opponent on some trashy boards where he makes a bottom pair and makes mistakes or calls a couple of streets with a hand he otherwise wouldn't play. Of course, sometimes we get the T52r flop and he just has 52o and holds, but generally we're going to be getting him to put more money in when he's behind, with hands that he might not know how to play because he ordinarily wouldn't get into a pot with 75o or 84s etc. where he's going to be prone to more mistakes as a result. I think that's also more true on a site like Sky in a £2 BI MTT than maybe any other real money MTT on the internet.

    I think the only opponents I'm raising against are super loose, passive players that are just gonna miss and fold flop a bunch or stack off with weak 1pr hands, as well as mega nits where I feel happy raise/folding ATo BvB because they're folding too much. Generally, I like a limp/call a lot.
  • DoyleBrunDoyleBrun Member Posts: 1,296
    Put the hand in a Poker Odds Calculator according to that you were crushing him when you got the chips in.
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