I think my point was that I would have liked to become a multi millionaire through doing a few doodles rather than having worked **** hard for the last 40 years to have what I've got. :) (View Post)
Sad to see the forum go, it's been a go to distraction to get away from the mundaneness of paperwork for years. Thanks to @Tikay10 and the small band of regular posters who have managed to keep it go… (View Post)
FYP to confirm that the government actually give away our money (assuming we are taxpayers) rather than theirs. They would not be so liberal in giving it away if it was actually theirs. Having just c… (View Post)
I was driving back from an appointment earlier today and listening to Jeremy Vine on the radio (not intentionally, but had forgotten to switch stations when he came on). Anyway he had a caller from S… (View Post)