Hi Misty...thanks for that...I love Banksy. Nick quite liked it I think. He's quite centrist really. Jane is lovely, I've met her before and Lizzie used to come on the programme a bit. I'm a big fan … (View Post)
I still don't really understand this thread coolhanal. It seems that in an ideal world you would like the buy ins to be £5 or £10 and think that £50 is way too much and I totally agree that it would … (View Post)
Just caught up on the thread properly after getting home late yesterday. I always like Brighton and I really enjoyed the weekend despite never really getting going on either day 1. Nice to see so man… (View Post)
I'm quite confused by this thread. Generally people that berate other players in the chat box are copmplaining because the player is "playing bad" and they don't approve of that. It's obvio… (View Post)