It comes from Old English hwettan, "to whet, sharpen," as you would on a whetstone. In its figurative sense, you are sharpening your appetite. (View Post)
AA wins about 80% of the time. Banging 63% of your hands in against a shortstack in the above example wins 88% of the time. Is it ever worth not playing AA in case you lose a few chips? (View Post)
Let's take your assumption that the BB folds 80% of the time and therefore assume he's calling with the top 20% of his range. Your hand has about 40% equity against that range. Redoing the above equa… (View Post)
AQss: HRC/ICMIZER were literally made for looking these spots up. Doesn't seem like you've started using either yet and you should. They will tell you that, at equilibrium, the BTN shouldn't have KJo… (View Post)
I booted into Windows so I can look at this in Flopzilla for you. Normally I would include some screenshots but that's much more of a pain in Windows and I don't feel like it! I strongly recommend do… (View Post)