You can only go by what you see Gman, over a long, long period and you cant help what opinion is formed from it. Unfortunately, if your experience ultmately tells you its all a bit odd, you will be b… (View Post)
And a few mins ago....... What you think of this Rainman.... sorry... essexphil. Where are we oddswise;PlayerActionCardsAmountPotBalanceLovey87Small blind10.0010.001010.00TheWaddyBig blind20.0030.001… (View Post)
Ive been told by sites that the reason players hit so often is that there are alot of bad players online that call too much and you see more hands.... its a strange explanation, purely for the fact t… (View Post)
Your 2nd reason is that he is better than me. I think for my calling out of what is wrong with reraising all in with just A2 with no hi after the flop heads up alone... and him not understanding it..… (View Post)
Easter 'new customer promo deck' is officially over! 16 wins from 17 games up to thursday night... easter period approx 20 wins, 28 losses over promo deck.... 12 wins from 12 from tues evening onward… (View Post)