The huge, huge difference of playing poker in the last 4 weeks is; In the above hands, especially the first one where he has bounded right into my FH and better low draw.... with a deck from the news… (View Post)
Final hand of the night after hours of pure silliness.... Simon please open the envelope and read it out.... Cowell opens it and says..... 'all in preflop and the bag of spanners will hit a FH, with … (View Post)
as a poker player, i had seriously not missed the playstation version the past 2 weeks. Oh i enjoyed poker on holiday with the plastic deck... seriously, seriously missed proper proper poker, i didnt… (View Post)
In this hand, despite the hand appearing to be over by a massive flop, didnt the turn bring the excitement where it had to be a 2 or a 5 to keep you in the hand... and suprisingly did? Its called enh… (View Post)
The freeroll is an all in fest and you are saying that even you have noticed how 'swingy' it is. I would say it highlights how the deck performs in general, as it all runs off the same thing for all … (View Post)