a wee bit off topic but imo the poker boom/dream ended because the game was and is so heavily promoted as a skill game, even though all the governments rules indicate luck based. People in general lo… (View Post)
really incredible picking...... @TheEdge949 the bookie has been banning winning players since they started, its not a new thing, back in the 1970's my great granda got banned from placing bets in lad… (View Post)
Only one typa sound for weather like this https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=i9Lphth5Exc&pp=ygUidG8gdGhlIHJlc2N1ZSBoZXJlIGkgYW0gYm9iIG1hcmxleQ%3D%3D (View Post)
@HENDRIK62 you ever hear these guys https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-QKj62RKBrM&list=RDwu-ipYiZLtE&index=3 very good. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wu-ipYiZLtE (View Post)