Hello everyone, I am new to sky poker, I have been playing poker since august last year and i thought i would give online poker a try. I play live poker 4 nights a week in my local pubs in the Nuts Poker League if anyone has heard of that? Anyway I was just wondering where i should start playing with a bankroll of £55? I prefer cash games to tournaments, but if anyone knows any good tournaments to play in please let me know as well, thanks.
Sorry, I had no idea where to post this so I decided here will do haha.
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the general rule of thumb is only put 10% of your bankroll in play at once, so the max tourneys u shud play are 5.50 but may be better to start off going with some 2/3 quid bounty hunters, the way they work is half the prizepool is for usual cash spots but half is as bounties so when u knock a player out u collect 75% of the bounty and cant lose that (the remaining 25% goes on your head to increase your bounty prize for others), so often u can KO 2 or 3 players and win your buy in back without making the usual cash places.
As for cash tables with that bankroll im not so sure as im a mtt guy
And thanks Liam, I will remember that.
if you want to play some tourneys check out the monday DTD tourneys. theres a thread at the top of this section. they are cheap and deep so theres some play in them. failing that theres the bounty hunter route
cash then you have an ok amount to delve into nl4. i assume rightly or wrongly that you wont be multi tabling much if your new to online so you have plenty to play this level without to much risk. just remember the more tables you play at a time the more buyins for the level its best to have behind you. eg if your playing 4 tables then i would have no less than 20 buyins for the level, 6 tables i would be looking for around 25-30 thats just me. others will take a more aggressive route with their bankroll others a more passive but you will work out what suits you over time
The Monday Night DTD's are good, but the field is much stronger than your average £1/£2 tournament.
Welcome aboard Skeggy, enjoy yourself, & don't be taking it too serious.