can we please have a few nightly mtts that are freeze outs and not bounty hunters??? i no bounty hunters are the most popular but i feel certain players are being neglected by sky by not offering us a variety of choice regarding mtts. its been said a thousand times i no but surely its time to give us what we want ( im not the only one here)
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Do not stack your shelfs with too many products, it confuses the consumer and they leave with nothing.
How many makes of TV's should you stock in your shop ?
too much choice
all mtt's should be these buy in's
Too much varaiation within a limit and compounded by too much of a varied game selection
This is an old argument revisited. The same thread was around a year ago and the non response to it was the main reason I left Sky. (OK,OK, I hear everybody going "Boo Hoo" and "Who He")?
Who me? Just a guy who came to on-line poker with Sky as their first and only site, and I loved it! The forum and the wit, the downright funny, the often moving discussions and help given to players with "difficulties", plus the sheer poker knowledge of many of the contributors make this site unique. What a shame then that no one seems to listen to the people who make it great.
OK, so I still keep £50 or so in my account and from time to time I stick my head round the door to see if anything has changed. Unfortunately, such changes are usually more gimmicks when I do feel many of us just want to play good old Texas Hold `Em, "Freeze Out". If it ain`t bust, don`t fix it.
Good Luck All
Cubby Boy. (Yes, it is a daft name but it`s belongs to one of our cats)