In this hand i hand pocket jacks on the button and there was an original raise with a caller. I pretty much always 3bet with jacks in position in 4nl, and with another caller and the blinds to follow i decided to 3bet in this position both for value and to isolate a player, is this the wrong play, is calling and set mining a better move here?
PlayerActionCardsAmountPotBalanceSniper001Small blind £0.02£0.02£11.24SteverawBig blind £0.04£0.06£2.32 Your hole cardsJJ murphy147Fold ICE_MAN_29Raise £0.20£0.26£1.96jimmyjam04Call £0.20£0.46£4.59Dav56Raise £0.68£1.14£3.20Sniper001Fold SteverawCall £0.64£1.78£1.68ICE_MAN_29Call £0.48£2.26£1.48jimmyjam04Call £0.48£2.74£4.11Flop 7KQ SteverawBet £0.12£2.86£1.56ICE_MAN_29All-in £1.48£4.34£0.00jimmyjam04Fold Dav56Fold SteverawCall £1.36£5.70£0.20SteverawShowQ3 ICE_MAN_29ShowKQ Turn A River J ICE_MAN_29WinTwo Pairs, Kings and Queens£5.27 £5.27
However i definetly prefer the 3bet in general as a button 3bet is generally not going be given credit for such a big hand and as you say you are going for value and to isolate a specific player. Also if you flat and everyone gets involved you may find yourself in a very tough spot if 3 lower cards hit the flop and you see aload of action e.g not knowing whether they have flopped two pair with junk or are just overplaying top pair etc.
I don't play cash that often but i read alot in here about making the raise sizing bigger pre at 4nl as they like to call anyway, so i may of made the 3bet bigger, probably closer to £1. Easy flop to fold considering the action and just ignore the river as it makes no difference to what was a good bet pre flop and a good fold post flop in my opinion.
On the other hand though, it was obvious the jack was coming on the river so it's a call all day long