Even though i was on the wrong end of this i can only sit back and lol how badHand History #627930959 (21:15 01/03/2013)PlayerActionCardsAmountPotBalanceCHIPMAGNETSmall blind 20.0020.002675.00HOLLYWHITBig blind 40.0060.002005.00 Your hole cardsA7 jaywmac1Call 40.00100.001035.00kevlad1397Fold adz777Call 40.00140.006045.00pipusRaise 120.00260.001490.00CHIPMAGNETFold HOLLYWHITFold jaywmac1Call 80.00340.00955.00adz777Call 80.00420.005965.00Flop 244 jaywmac1Check adz777Check pipusBet 210.00630.001280.00jaywmac1Call 210.00840.00745.00adz777Call 210.001050.005755.00Turn A jaywmac1Check adz777Check pipusBet 787.501837.50492.50jaywmac1Fold adz777Raise 1575.003412.504180.00pipusAll-in 492.503905.000.00adz777Unmatched bet 295.003610.004475.00adz777ShowA7 pipusShow56 River 3 pipusWinStraight to the 63610.00 3610.00
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Ho ho ho ho ho
He he he he he
Ha ha ha ha ha
Nope, I'm still miserable.
As usuall people should look at their own play before dissing others.
Such a dry flop, he is going to c-bet it most of the time especially if he has picked up a gutshot. If the turn was anything but an ace he probably would have given up, but like N colley said he bet to rep the ace and since you shoved, he was already commited so he had to call and hope he got lucky.
Then obviously he gets lucky on the river, that's poker for you, happens to all of us lol.
So lets go over how you played this.
Limp call ace seven offsuit
Float a 3way raised pot
Shove and get rid of all his bluff range,
I cannot explain just how bad that shove is. Call and he will still bluff off air on the river, The shove means he is probably calling with you beat more often than he is drawing.