Skydave, regarding your instructions to remove Team names from the location fields. Whilst i think a couple of your points may be valid, i think there are other forces at work here. WHY NOW all of a sudden ? With DTD numbers growng on a Momday night its important for the rail banter to know who we are playing against and supporting as this adds to the fun. TIKAY is always saying POKER should be FUN !!!!. DTD is a massive supporter of SKYPOKER and yet u are in my opinion singling us out. I think you should be spending more time watching out for outlandish Alias's and filthy chat in the chat box.
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There's genuinely nothing new or sinister happening here, we've always said this so it's more a reminder. As Dave (and others have said before) this is not just about team names, it goes for anything people choose to put in that is not there for what it is intended to be used for - to show location. If you don't want your location showing, then leave it blank.
We certainly are not anti teams, far from it. We wouldn't have done all the things we have done to support teams over the years if this was the case. We also agree that poker should be fun but will have to respectfully disagree that this is a necessary part of it.
You also mention about 'outlandish' aliases and chat abuse - our policy on this still stands too. If you spot anything that is offensive, please let us know and we will look into it.
Sky Poker