Hi Everyone.
You may all be aware of a recent request by Sky & Posted by Sky_Dave..............
With immediate effect, all Team Names Must be removed from The location field of your address.
See Original Post -
HERETo address this issue in some small way and to enable all team players to comply with these new guidlines, here is my suggestion......................
Each Team / Captain chooses an existing Sky Avatar from the ones available. They then request that all their team members change their avatar to the same one they have chosen.
Although not a complete solution to the removal of Team Names from our location, it will at least enable us to identify team players more quickly in a lot of cases.
Once a Team / Captain has decided which avatar they wish to display, please post it on here so other teams do not use that avatar (First Come First Served) If a team has already chosen that avatar then simply choose another one.
Who thinks this might work to a degree? (It would also be quite fun to see at the tables)
Yes - as I said in my original post it's not a complete solution to the problem, however, I think this would help temporarily whilst we discuss other options ie. team avatars which could be implemented at a later date.
But seriously I know what you mean m8 - I'm just trying to find a temporarry solution, which we may be able to resolve in the near future with proper team avatars.