Unlucky Mike, at least you got your name on the leaderboard now
One thing I've noticed which is decent, if you win the £1 game, then you've made a small profit overall no matter where you come in the £2 game, if you win the £2 game, you've made a bigger profit no matter where you come in the £5 game etc.
certainly not easy this, can't get past the £2's yet, but good fun General standard of play is, errrm, questionable.... so i think we'll have a winner before too long. GL all. Posted by goldnballz
One thing I've noticed which is decent, if you win the £1 game, then you've made a small profit overall no matter where you come in the £2 game, if you win the £2 game, you've made a bigger profit no matter where you come in the £5 game etc.
Please sign me up.
Cheers Eddie
gl all at the tables
Everyone else has now been added to the list of runners taking part.
Guess it's a race now to see who can get 3 in a row first, good luck!