Hi there everyone
Something we'd like to get your opinion on please.
Do you think people realise that Sky Poker is not on a poker network?
We would imagine (and might be wrong) that most community members do realise this fact and know that most, if not all, betting sites are on shared networks - but do you reckon that other customers know this?
We're not really looking for a conversation on how our software, traffic, promos etc compare. However, it would be interesting to discuss the awareness of networks and if you think Sky Poker could do to promote this better.
Sky Poker
0 ·
So to answer the question, I think that 99% of the people that know poker networks exists will realise Sky isnt on one. But I dont think a load of non regulars are even aware of networks.
For the record, the reason I now play on Sky Poker, is that they are in charge, they are not at the mercy of the network who can implement changes, or add/remove games as they (often wrongly imo) see fit.
I see this as a great usp, you often are listening to players comments and adjusting/adding to the tables in response to this.
Please please do not amalgamate with a network.
If I may be so bold, if you are looking to generate an influx of players, would it be worth contacting the sky broadband team and send flyers out with their routers to new customers? Might be totally barking up the wrong tree, but it wouldnt cost anything in terms of postage. Advertise it as some kind of "special bonus" for new customers.
i think the simple answer might be NO
i myself have been playing here at Sky for nearly 3 years now,and consider myself to be a member of 'joe-public'. to me Sky Poker is just that Sky Poker,somewhere i come to play and have fun,and try and win some money...obviously.
i don't know about how it all works,neither do i want to,or about 'shared networks' etc.
so my guess is there are probably many others 'in the same boat' as me,if you like.
Great feedback guys, thanks for taking the time to post - much appreciated.
No, I dont know what the difference is, so guessing most ppl are the same?
What is the difference anyway?!
As DEL560 above, I never knew (and still don't to be hones) that there was any differences like being on a network, or what that really entails anyway.
Ok ty Don for explaining. GL when the wee one arrives.
On this basis I suspect most people don't know that Sky isn't but I don't think it's a big selling point. As Greg said, Sky have other USPs such as the great community, the fact feedback can be given here on structures, schedules etc and actually be listened to (despite what some people think). Obviously the TV show is a massive selling point, and all the free prizes given on the show, for DTD, Orfordable, Top of the Posts, Golden Tickets and ad-hoc things like the DYM challenge, the SnG challenge, the PLO DYM challenge.
This is a bit of an aside but I think from the promotional pot of money Sky have to spend, it can be spent on better things than more/bigger freerolls.
Advertising the fact that Sky is independent of poker networks may serve to attract experienced players that understand the advantages, or players that have been stung by a network site in the past, but the vast majority of beginners seem very unlikely to do the research before they decide to join sky.-- Therefore, imo, the advertising of sky's independence of poker networks is unnecessary where attracting beginners is concerned, but could prove very effective if sky were to concentrate on attracting experienced and/or professional players.
To be honest I think the question from skys perspective is unrelavent from a marketing standpoint, if that's why thread is started. You lot have two customer types (1) grinders and (2) hobbyists... not talking winnars/lossers.... just talking volume players and those who want to enjoy the game.
Most grinders know the online poker culture inside out, often spell stuff wrong deliberately, and have a solid awareness of what poker sites are available to them and the pros and cons of both. They know which sites are stand alone or a skin with shared pools. They're not really fussed about this but just want to play volume and the lowest rake and want the clients to make this as easiest as possible for them. Things like auto top up, time banks, rake races, solid promotions, strong rakeback or loyalty schemes will attract them.
Some might understand the online poker culture and what clients are out there, but honestly I suspect most won't. It wont make a difference to them if a site is part of a shared pool or a skin or standalone. They just want to enjoy the game and most will prob play on the site that they first ever deposited on and no where else unless its suggested to them by someone. It won't make them deposit more or player longer if you tell them sky poker is standalone - so i dont really understand the point of raising awareness.
If you guys are brainstorming how to separate yourselves from the murky likes of ipoker who have had obv botting issues according to 2+2, entraction who rake players more depending winrates,party/bwin who are segregating winnars/lossers then i think you guys need to concentrate your marketing on what sky does best; your credibility (never had issues with UEIGA or FBI/DOJ)... never locked up all funds for no reason. you guys dont need to make a profit to survive as you have deep pockets so our online money is safe and very legal for us to play and deposit/withdraw. obv software needs improvement imo but i dont mind now and if it was perfect there'd be far too many beasts coming to sky and destroying the games.
But seriously you guys need to enter the mobile market fast wayyyy before zynga or big fish start offering real money mobile poker to capitalise on the uk market and then convert these acquisitions into client players.... please get it done.. nice one thanks !!!!!!!