Was there enough in the pot to make this OK or was it just crazy?
PlayerActionCardsAmountPotBalancem131andSmall blind 300.00300.005132.50sighcallBig blind 600.00900.004440.00 Your hole cards55 daddysteveFold martyflanCall 600.001500.005910.00AJE222Fold lpool67Fold m131andFold sighcallCheck Flop J24 sighcallCheck martyflanBet 600.002100.005310.00sighcallAll-in 4440.006540.000.00martyflanCall 3840.0010380.001470.00sighcallShow55 martyflanShowJ10 Turn Q River Q martyflanWinTwo Pairs, Queens and Jacks10380.00 11850.00
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why didn't you go all in pre flop?