The logical thing to look for is players who have proven track records in the bigger buy in events. It takes extreme levels of concentration to play top drawer poker for 3 days in a row.
Your going to be looking at names who have FT multiple ukops tourneys in the same series, and FT in additional series, throw in a live spt FT and your looking at a limited bunch to pick from.
Thats represents the best value for sky, but I'd gues that 2/3 max of the 5 picks will be sky regs, depending on who qualifies through the TSP tourneys.
Well I didn't wanna say Matt.... FWIW David, if it was based on just results, he could have made his decisions in <5 mins. Posted by Lambert180
The talent pool is much to big to make a decision that quickly. I agree they will want interesting/entertaining ppl to represent the brand, but i can easily think of a dozen players on site who fit those criteria, and achieve excellent results.
But what could provide Sky Poker with better promo than having multiple TSP players running deep or even FT. I think it will come down to how well you have performed, and what in.
The TSP is a great effort by Sky to reward the players, I just hope I can bink 1 of the tourneys, time to get out the prayer books.
Regards Alan
FWIW David, if it was based on just results, he could have made his decisions in <5 mins.
In Response to Re: TSP Questions for Tikay/Sky Poker:
In Response to Re: TSP Questions for Tikay/Sky Poker:
lol lol lol !
Give this man a hoody!