The stereotype that women in general play much tighter than men goes back a long way. It was first popularised by Mike Caro in his book of tells. He essentially racially and sexually profiled ethnicities and women into categories, of course he never did this for a white male because I assume he thought they had no tendencies, being one himself.
The basis for the stereotype goes to fact that up until recently very few women compared to the amount of men playing had any interest in poker. It was exceptionally rare for a woman to walk into a poker room on her own because she wanted to play, the few women there were normally brought/dragged along by their male partner. As a result, the majority of these women weren't very experienced and took a very risk adverse route to starting hands.
This has now changed IMO, however a lot of men still maintain the stereotype. As a result, an intelligent woman can now rip certain male players a new one by picking their spots carefully and causing absolute carnage. So no, I don't assume that. It is still the case that if you take every female player in the world and put them on a Vpip graph, the mean average would still lean towards the tight, however people really need IMO to stop using stereotypes as a starting point for ranges and start everyone from point dot. I know many pros (very good ones too) still do this in MTTs as you get so many new faces and they feel the need to start from a point 'before proven otherwise.' I prefer letting them worry about me and hopefully I'll pick up on their tendencies pretty quick. Starting from a stereotype point just encourages lazy play when you're not in a hand IMO.
nuff said
The stereotype that women in general play much tighter than men goes back a long way. It was first popularised by Mike Caro in his book of tells. He essentially racially and sexually profiled ethnicities and women into categories, of course he never did this for a white male because I assume he thought they had no tendencies, being one himself.
The basis for the stereotype goes to fact that up until recently very few women compared to the amount of men playing had any interest in poker. It was exceptionally rare for a woman to walk into a poker room on her own because she wanted to play, the few women there were normally brought/dragged along by their male partner. As a result, the majority of these women weren't very experienced and took a very risk adverse route to starting hands.
This has now changed IMO, however a lot of men still maintain the stereotype. As a result, an intelligent woman can now rip certain male players a new one by picking their spots carefully and causing absolute carnage. So no, I don't assume that. It is still the case that if you take every female player in the world and put them on a Vpip graph, the mean average would still lean towards the tight, however people really need IMO to stop using stereotypes as a starting point for ranges and start everyone from point dot. I know many pros (very good ones too) still do this in MTTs as you get so many new faces and they feel the need to start from a point 'before proven otherwise.' I prefer letting them worry about me and hopefully I'll pick up on their tendencies pretty quick. Starting from a stereotype point just encourages lazy play when you're not in a hand IMO.