Just wanted to say a thank you to all the guys ( Jonjo, U_owe_me {Neil}, Poker trev, Tommy D, Hitman, JJ, Tikey, ) to name a few but to all of you, I was going through a very bad run, getting donked out etc, And yes I lost it a little in the chatbox calling them who donked me with horrid hands all kinds of names (and yes I am ashamed of myself), I went away from the site for a number of weeks and then came back, due to the advice I took I was getting donked again, and have now taken this in my stride, although it still hurts, I agree there is no place on Sky to bad mouth people, and although I have taken on board I am not perfect but will be more aware of my chat and attiudue in future. Thanks guys your support and advice was most welcome and I will be taking on board what was said, You are all a credit to Sky and poker in general, And to the guys I bad mouthed because of bad beats I am really sorry and hope you will accept my apology John
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Keep your chin up man
All the best
....the main thing!!!!
Good luck in the future, unless its against me
Nice to hear you coping well and enjoying your poker again.
Always happy to help and offer advice and support to fellow players, as are many others, which is what makes this site stand out from the crowd.
Any player who is willing to listen and take on board advice will always go on to be a much better player imo
Good luck at the tables m8.