Five hours of live Hold'em are coming your way.
tikay and I will be doing our thing from 7pm.
But Thursday's show is not about us.
It's about this lady...
Yes, Sky Poker Ambassador Charlotte Jackson is making her debut at the tables (read more HERE).
And we'll be following her progress in Charlotte's £6k-Max AND the £12k Sky Sports Bounty Hunter.
With this in mind, please provide 'CharlotteJ' with the following...
1) Your top tip for playing a six-max Sit & Go.
2) Your top tip for playing a Bounty Hunter tournament.
Good strategic advice will be rewarded. The top tipsters will win prizes, namely seats in Sunday's Mini Primo. We have four tournament tickets to give away.
So, here's the rundown...
7pm - Selected hands from the Master Cash tables
8pm - Top of the Pots
9pm - Charlotte Jackson on Sky Poker (two hours of action from Charlotte's £6k-Max & the £12k Sky Sports Bounty Hunter)
11pm - Further highlights from the £12k BH (register HERE)
Twitter: #SkyPokerTV
PDA! Patience, Discipline and Aggression
(Also stands for Peoples Dispensary for Animals)
Tip for Bounty Hunters !
CJ! Carryon Jogging
(Also stands for Charlotte Jackson)
Good luck at the tables Charlotte!
My usual poker mantra - You just need to win, you don't need to win right now!
Oh, and in the later stages, position and fold equity are king!
My usual poker mantra -You just need to win, you don't need to win right now!
Oh, and get it in bad and suckout!
Don't be tempted to gamble your stack unneccesarily chasing head prizes with marginal holdings, focus on trying to win the tournament. Keep your head when the others at your table are going crazy and stay out of the madness, a tight aggresive approach will bear fruit. Always remember first prize is worth tons more than a head-prize.
Also, please feel free to post your messages of "Good luck" for Charlotte in this thread!
Sit and try not to Go
1. Fold a lot & get aggressive with premium holding cards.
2. Don't make speculative calls - leaking chips in the early stages will have a huge impact on your chances of winning in the later stages.
Top Tips for Bounty Hunters
1. Don't raise too much Pre-Flop in the early stages (Unless you are prepared to get it all-in)
2. Most players will be calling light with any 2 cards - so use it to your advantage, but don't risk your whole stack against an aggro player unless you have the goods.
3. The most common hand I see in Bounty Hunters is "2 Pairs" simply because players like to see a flop with any 2 cards, so keep that in mind when you are thinking about getting all your chips in.
4. Don't vary your pre-flop raises, keep them consistant (We want to disguise our hands) - So If you decide to raise 2 x pre-flop this time, then raise 2 x pre-flop everytime. This makes it more difficult for your oppenent to read the strength of your hands.
Best of Luck Charlotte - TID
1. remain calm as bad beats have a much more common appearance due to the no. of people who will call for the sake of a head prize.
2. be very caerful with the betting post flop if you missed your A or k (for AK) or set because hands are too unpredictible due to how loose the play can be early in them.
1. Pay attention to the table early doors, find out who is regularly limp/calling and punish them. Isolate, isolate, isolate!
Tips for BHs
1. For the first like 50% of the tournament, virtually treat it as a freezeout. If you wouldn't risk your tourney life in a freezeout with X hand, then don't do it in a BH because there's an extra £2 up for grabs. Chips are so much better than bounties
so play tight but aggressive with good hands you should be fine against the male pride on the sit n go.
in the bounty i would play slightly looser in early stages, try to pick up afew pots here and there, but as has been said before try not to raise pre-flop. in later stages on bounty be very very aggresive. if below 8x blinds go into shove or fold mode in the bounty hunter as you will more then likely get called by a worse hand
good luck tonight charlotte.
james and tikay hope you have a great show
You talk about getting more people on the box so hows about some cash omaha?
Side note, resizeable tables update please?
My main tips (as a real pro that hasnt won a tourney yet):
1) Be patient
2) Ignore the bounties. Play to win, the biggest bounty is the last one. Others will come when they come, dont change style and decision just because of the chance of a bounty.
3) Don't let Tikay put u to sleep with stories of concrete, gantries and service stations. Concentrate
Don't limp in, unless you want to face the wrath of Tikay!