Yeah just when you cash yuo get it like you would in an MTT.
Some people will register in a £50 MTT (for instance), then play a satellite, and if you win the seat, in the lobby it will say something like 'X player won a seat for XXX but as you are already registered you have been awarded the seta value of £50'
Then they de-reg the main tournament and get their £50 back. Some sats are good to play for cash.
Some people will register in a £50 MTT (for instance), then play a satellite, and if you win the seat, in the lobby it will say something like 'X player won a seat for XXX but as you are already registered you have been awarded the seta value of £50'
Then they de-reg the main tournament and get their £50 back. Some sats are good to play for cash.
You can register for the target tourney, win the satellite and get the cash, THEN de-reg and get your original cash back.
So to play sats for cash, you gotta register the main tourney first.