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LIVE! Poker Million Final Table - Friday 4th Dec

NoseyBonkNoseyBonk Member Posts: 6,186
edited December 2009 in Poker Chat
Not very often we have LIVE poker coverage and this one should be a good 'un - Sky Sports 2 & HD2 at 19:30


  • 1arnace1arnace Member Posts: 150
    edited December 2009
    Is my pen still stationary when I move it?
  • 1arnace1arnace Member Posts: 150
    edited December 2009
    ha ha sorry just thought id put that 1 in, ill be watching
  • ACESOVER8sACESOVER8s Member Posts: 1,307
    edited December 2009
    I've just had a mesage from Peter Vasiliou who's in the final for this. Tune and support Pete who has managed to get to the final of this from a freeroll!!!!!

    He's looking for an early double up then hopes to be able to run deep in it. A very good field playing.

    Tune in and support a fellow amateur player who's Freerolled his way to a GTD $50k and could go a lot further
  • 1arnace1arnace Member Posts: 150
    edited December 2009

    where did he enter the freeroll?? thats immense is he short stacked then??

  • ness4ness4 Member Posts: 388
    edited December 2009
    Holy cow this brings back memories... my ex boyfriend's dad won this tournament in 2005, beat Helen Chamberlain to the prize..
  • ACESOVER8sACESOVER8s Member Posts: 1,307
    edited December 2009
    In Response to Re: LIVE! Poker Million Final Table - Friday 4th Dec:
    where did he enter the freeroll?? thats immense is he short stacked then??
    Posted by 1arnace
    It's a Full Tilt thing i think? He's had some coaching for the Final so fingers crossed he does well (but $50k in my pocket would do very nicley even if i was first out lol)
  • NoseyBonkNoseyBonk Member Posts: 6,186
    edited December 2009
    Peter's only danger is he's ULTRA tight. In the heats he got some big hands at crucial times to double up. He's done really well though and seems like a nice bloke. I'm a little disappointed that Tom Dwan didn't make the FT, as I was looking forward to him and Luke clashing (knowing Luke hates Tom for some reason, and has been really vocal about it).
  • diablo_pezdiablo_pez Member Posts: 1,392
    edited December 2009
    In Response to Re: LIVE! Poker Million Final Table - Friday 4th Dec:
    Peter's only danger is he's ULTRA tight. In the heats he got some big hands at crucial times to double up. He's done really well though and seems like a nice bloke. I'm a little disappointed that Tom Dwan didn't make the FT, as I was looking forward to him and Luke clashing (knowing Luke hates Tom for some reason, and has been really vocal about it).
    Posted by NoseyBonk
    Agree with all of this, Vasilou has been so tight but it's worked, despite the criticism of the departed roy brindley :)
    Would have loved Dwan to get through too!
    My money's on Schwartz @ 3/1
  • ACESOVER8sACESOVER8s Member Posts: 1,307
    edited December 2009
    Channing and Nik Persaud have had some meetings with Peter to help him with the Final so i'll be interested to see what he's taken from those and how he changes it up in this game. May do something similar to the WSOP threads on here for those that don't have Sky Sports to watch it on?
  • 35suited35suited Member Posts: 2,332
    edited December 2009
    Unfortunately im gonig to miss most of this due to mrs wathcing final of the jungle willtune in once that is over tho
  • DOHHHHHHHDOHHHHHHH Member Posts: 17,929
    edited December 2009

    Peter Vasiliu was the worst player to enter the tournament, nevermind make the final table! He has 2 moves, all in or fold, N the first of the 2 only happens if he has JJ QQ KK AA OR AK. Wud be terrible if he won it.

    If he wins the tourny tonight the other players shud be ashamed of themselves, mind if u steal 15 of his bbs in a row, and the 16th time you try and steal it he gets AA n moves all in, ya priced in to call, he ends up even. If he doesnt get any big pairs he has absolutely no chance of winning. And that is no chance whatsoever.

    If u cud garentee me he doesnt pick up queens kings or aces, I would lay 10,000/1 on him winning it.

    I thought durr was gonna do it for us LAG's out there but he got cold decked last night, a great play by akenhead, n a donk from antonio.

    I'm dreading swartz winning, although being the big stack he has every chance.

    Anyone know what level the blinds start at on the final table? If I knew that i'd be able to predict a winner. But unsure what the blinds are gonna be, I have to go for Aikenhead with the stack he has, his all round game, and particuarly his ability to adapt to situations and move up and down the gears.

    Not mentioned Helppi, hes not gonna make any mistakes, if he has position on Vasiliou, he could be come a big player as well.

    Can't wait!! Brilliant having live poker on TV! Just a shame durrr isnt there :(


  • ACESOVER8sACESOVER8s Member Posts: 1,307
    edited December 2009
    In Response to Re: LIVE! Poker Million Final Table - Friday 4th Dec:
    Peter Vasiliu was the worst player to enter the tournament, nevermind make the final table! He has 2 moves, all in or fold, N the first of the 2 only happens if he has JJ QQ KK AA OR AK. Wud be terrible if he won it. If he wins the tourny tonight the other players shud be ashamed of themselves, mind if u steal 15 of his bbs in a row, and the 16th time you try and steal it he gets AA n moves all in, ya priced in to call, he ends up even. If he doesnt get any big pairs he has absolutely no chance of winning. And that is no chance whatsoever. If u cud garentee me he doesnt pick up queens kings or aces, I would lay 10,000/1 on him winning it. I thought durr was gonna do it for us LAG's out there but he got cold decked last night, a great play by akenhead, n a donk from antonio. I'm dreading swartz winning, although being the big stack he has every chance. Anyone know what level the blinds start at on the final table? If I knew that i'd be able to predict a winner. But unsure what the blinds are gonna be, I have to go for Aikenhead with the stack he has, his all round game, and particuarly his ability to adapt to situations and move up and down the gears. Not mentioned Helppi, hes not gonna make any mistakes, if he has position on Vasiliou, he could be come a big player as well. Can't wait!! Brilliant having live poker on TV! Just a shame durrr isnt there :( DOHHH
    Posted by DOHHHHHHH
    The guy won his way to the Final of the Poker Million from a freeroll so at worst he is consistant, Not the greatest player in the world i'll give you but i'm willing to bet that the $50k he has GTD from this is a bigger payday than you or i have seen or probably will. He's a nice guy who's been patient against what he knew was a field that could outplay him if he let things go down all 5 streets. I suppose you would be raising 5 7 off into this kind of oposition ?? 4 betting them with Junk to show how good you are?

    Say you don't think he's going to win if thats what you feel but whats with all the aggresion about a hobiest amateur who's done well to get into a Major Final? I hope he does win, it's nice to see the little guy make it sometimes.
  • DOHHHHHHHDOHHHHHHH Member Posts: 17,929
    edited December 2009

    Course 50k is more than i've ever won, ridiculous reply.

    Wenger knows how to play brilliant football and can tell his players how to do so, but he cant do it himself.

    Freddie Roach is a brilliant boxing trainer, but I bet hed get knocked out within 25 seconds.

    Theres knowing what to do, then being able to / having the chance to do it.

    And I wud argue that I myself, and alot of players on this site, are better than peter vasiliou at poker! Without a doubt. He has no game, or at least if he has, he hasn't shown it. The commentators have summed it up, hes out of his league, and definately out of his depth.

    Im not denying he's done well to get where he has. And if I was there instead of him, I'd do whatever I could to win the tourny, not 4 bet with 7 high or whatever it was you suggested. But i wouldnt sit there folding all night.

    Happy medium, hes got the PERRRFECT chance to take advantage of his image tonight, no doubt the opponents will know he is the rockiest rock since rocky. Wud love to see him come out n show some game/skill.

    But cnt see it sumhow!

  • scrumdownscrumdown Member Posts: 1,609
    edited December 2009
    should be worth  seeing
  • diablo_pezdiablo_pez Member Posts: 1,392
    edited December 2009
    In Response to Re: LIVE! Poker Million Final Table - Friday 4th Dec:
    In Response to Re: LIVE! Poker Million Final Table - Friday 4th Dec : The guy won his way to the Final of the Poker Million from a freeroll so at worst he is consistant, Not the greatest player in the world i'll give you but i'm willing to bet that the $50k he has GTD from this is a bigger payday than you or i have seen or probably will. He's a nice guy who's been patient against what he knew was a field that could outplay him if he let things go down all 5 streets. I suppose you would be raising 5 7 off into this kind of oposition ?? 4 betting them with Junk to show how good you are? Say you don't think he's going to win if thats what you feel but whats with all the aggresion about a hobiest amateur who's done well to get into a Major Final? I hope he does win, it's nice to see the little guy make it sometimes.
    Posted by ACESOVER8s
    great post...the guy knew there was only 1 way he was going to get through and it wasn't by "outplaying" the pro's...job well done imo

    interesting to see if he loosens up tonight now the pressures off a little...can't really see it though...think i'd be content to try and ladder to start, and i think that's how he will play it too
  • 35suited35suited Member Posts: 2,332
    edited December 2009
    Anyone had a bet on this????
  • DOHHHHHHHDOHHHHHHH Member Posts: 17,929
    edited December 2009

    Just looked at the odds 35suited....14/1 online fulltilt qualifier?? Surely sum1 hasnt been given a bye to the FT??? Whats that mean?
  • diablo_pezdiablo_pez Member Posts: 1,392
    edited December 2009
    In Response to Re: LIVE! Poker Million Final Table - Friday 4th Dec:
    Anyone had a bet on this????
    Posted by 35suited
    I'm on Schwartz @ 3/1 but that's only cos I have Jungle covered...Gino 9/2 (start) Kim 12/1 (today) Jimmy 12/1 (today)...happy days :)
  • 35suited35suited Member Posts: 2,332
    edited December 2009
    Im not sure m8 was wondering that myself
  • ACESOVER8sACESOVER8s Member Posts: 1,307
    edited December 2009
    In Response to Re: LIVE! Poker Million Final Table - Friday 4th Dec:
    Just looked at the odds 35suited....14/1 online fulltilt qualifier?? Surely sum1 hasnt been given a bye to the FT??? Whats that mean?
    Posted by DOHHHHHHH
    There was 1 more freeroll with direct entry to the Final table i think. As it's live i don't think the winner is known when the odds were posted

    No fully sure on that but i seem to remember reading it somwhere

    In response to your other post,

    Your not doing a Wenger Or A Freddy Roach, they teach people how to win, you had a pop at somebody who has already got through a min of 5 tournies to get where he is. His normal game would be nothing like what you've seen on TV but let's face it, against the line ups he's had to play in which include Poker Million winners, Schwartz, EPT Title holders ETC your hardly going to play the way you do at £1 / £2 NL are you?

    He's had some words of wisdom from Channing who is one of Britains best and i hope he can relax more. What ever way you look at it, it's a big payday and a great acheivment for a Nice Guy
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