hi all i've been reading alot of poker books recently to help improve my play and i think its working so thanks again benc, but i was wondering if anyone could reccomend some videos or clips i could watch, either on the internet or dvds i could buy, that i could watch to help my play, not really looking for cash games as i dont play cash. as usual any help is greatly appriciated
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Jason Somerville is putting some great stuff on Youtube at the moment, free obv. Look for 'JCarverPoker'.
Tune in to Sky Poker TV, in our 'unbiased' view it's the best and it's free!
I have been looking into joining Grinders School. I had Poker VT , however most of the videos are geared towards mtt. Anyone have any experience with grinders school? What attracts me to that particular site is that most of the videos are intended for micro/low stakes. Most other training sites have a bunch of videos at $200/400 , these are games i am very unlikely to ever sit in :-)