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ballboySmall blind £0.04£0.04£8.09neely0y0Big blind £0.08£0.12£8.39 Your hole cardsAA bilu992Fold jinderFold TheBaddieCall £0.08£0.20£5.50SouthcoastFold ballboyRaise £0.36£0.56£7.73neely0y0Fold TheBaddieCall £0.32£0.88£5.18Flop 10J8 ballboyBet £0.48£1.36£7.25TheBaddieRaise £0.96£2.32£4.22
Nasty spot with TheBaddie.
He limps in and then calls the massive raise I put in.
Of what beats me - I don't think he can have Q9, J8 or 8-10 here. Would he call the squeeze with these hands? Still lowish stakes so possibly. Could be J-10 at a push.
Its difficult because I don't think there is much out there that beats me J-10 or a set, but the way he has played it I can't beat much bar something like KQ(Spades) or maybe some kind of pair flush combo. Would he limp and then call a 5x raise with AJ/KJ etc?
You have to just gamble on what he has based on the probability. ie: possible but slim hes flopped a straight. more likely hes got a flush draw, possibly the nuts, possibly with straight draw combo.
All I can say here is call and reevaluate the turn card, check and see what he does. If he had two pair or better I'd expect him to bet about £1.20 and shove the river.