As the title suggests I'm interested in picking up some poker books to try and improve my game. Read one of hellmuths books but it didn't really tell me anything I didn't already know. Basically it was 400 pages of play tight and aggressive. I'm not interested in books that devote about 5 chapters to beginners/basics.
Any suggestions? What's the best poker book you've ever read? How much difference did it make to your game?
Ps I should say I'm mainly looking for nl hold'em books.
Thanks in advance
the problem with the online stuff is it's hard to know which is good stuff to follow or not i.e. some of the guys on youtube who have poker tutorials if you sharkscope them they're losing players.
Easy Game Vol 1/2/3 by Balugawhale are all great books. If you buy them, they are expensive though. I heard a rumour you are able to download them from torrent sites. That is illegal though and you shouldn't do it. I also heard there is a torrent available from many of the popular torrent sites that contains 250 of the best poker books available. Don't download these books in torrent form though, it is illegal and I would never suggest you do this :-) .
I saw a criminals computer by accident recently after I tripped and fell straight in-front of the monitor and I wasn't able to look away in time before I saw the list of books, there are some amazing strategy books contained in the 250 torrent. The criminal tried to tell me that it took around 15 minutes to download and was found at a site that sounded something like "eye so runt" ( with different spelling ). I covered my ears as stealing is wrong and I don't want to give myself nightmares.
I just subscribed to Grinders School. They target a range of games up to $1/2 and below. My reason for joining them was because I am a micro/small stakes player and most of the other training sites such as cardrunners and DC make videos aimed at higher stakes players. They are also cheaper than the other training sites, I paid $33 for a three month subscription. They have videos for NL cash, MTT, Sng, etc. Over 1000 to watch :-)