Finished 6th in the 12K sat earlier (AQ vs A10 aipf, in case you're interested) with the top 5 qualifying. According to the lobby, 6th place got £5.76 but when I busted it didn't day anything about this and my account wasn't credited. I spent a reasonably frustrating 30 mins in the Live Chat trying to resolve it but not sure how far I got (they're looking into it, apparently). According to the person I was speaking with they
"have had other queries like this that involve the site displaying winnings that are not available."
Anyone else had this? Very frustrating, as trying to sort it out has eaten into my day's profits (lol) and you would think such a key thing - knowing how much you're going to win and getting it - would be paramount at Sky.
Sorry, it sounds like I'm whining. I probably am.