I just finished playing a £2.60 satellite for the PRIMO semi. Near the end I checked the tournament lobby and it said places 1-8 gain entry to semi and 9th place was £9.60. I'm positive it said this when I looked, 10 mins later it was down to 9 people and I was 9th. I pushed with pocket 9s and went out in 9th, expecting to have £9.60 at least. However I received nothing and when I look back at the tournament lobby it says that there was nothing for 9th and the sums add up with 40 runners being exactly 8 places. I didn't do the maths while playing but this did have an effect on how I played, may have folded 9s if knew there wasn't the back-up of the £9.60.
Anyone else encountered this and am I missing something?
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