i no this is in the wrong section but it will get read quicker here and i need help fast,
settled down for a game of poker, got about £800 splashed over different sites for tournaments and my internet keeps losing connection, going off every five minutes, im going crazy here, anyone no any steps i can take to sort this????
Are you on a laptop or pc?
Wireless or ethernet?
If you are using a wireless connection, first thing would be to plug an ethernet cable in and see if that sorts it.
What anti virus software are you running?
Is it just your computer thats disconnecting or is your router going down?
Try resetting your router, just unplug it for 30 seconds then plug it in again.
Hope some of this helps.
Check all wiring is connected properly.
Restart computer.
Phone broaband provider to see if there is an outage in your area.
Thats all I can suggest really.