I just played in one of these tournaments where 3 get paid, I had 30000 my opponent had 25000, the other table had 6000 between them and were continually folding back and forth until 1 of us lost our stack. If this isn't colluding I don't know what is.
Went onto live chat to see if anything could be done, nope. Won't be reimbursed for it and both players will keep there winnings. Well done Sky.
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bit of a long shot dont you think.
imo they both just had the right idea, get into a folding routine and wait for one of you to get stacked.
Not cheating imo, just common sense.
I'm expecting everyone to play fair and play poker, that is not poker. I don't see how anyone can see any different.
Were they taking on their tables chat?
Do you have any evidence to say they were cheating or culluding? no
Is folding every hand cheating? no
Is folding every hand colluding? no
All that has happened, imo, is that you ended up in a situation where the 2 players at the other table were savvy enough to realise that if they folded every hand they would get a prize by waiting for one of you two to get knocked out.
Dosnt sound like any collusion at all imo, like others have said its just a case of them having the other table open and knowing that one of you were going to do their work for them.
This game is all about winning cash and aslong as there is no collusion going on then they both seem as if they used the best way possible to get it.
Couldn't get the table to reload, tournament finished and I cashed.
Anyone watching could have thought I was colluding but It was purely doown to connection problems
Implicit collusion isn't cheating and it isn't unethical. It's simply exploiting an opponent or opponents who may be making a mistake or in a bad situation, even if the player/players aren't at the same table as you. If that implicit collusion ever becomes explicit, then it would be cheating. If that happened in the chat box you'd definitely have a legitimate complaint.
The real culprit here is definitely the payout structure. Paying odd numbers in a heads-up tournament is asking for trouble and is something which will hopefully be remedied.
If you believe someone is colluding then report it to CS.
For what it's worth, IMO as described this event is in no way collusion and CS have acted correctly.