what happens if you win the tournament. but are unable to play the following night... would the heads up pool just be split?? or would you just have to forfeit it?
what happens if you win the tournament. but are unable to play the following night... would the heads up pool just be split?? or would you just have to forfeit it? Posted by jordz16
Hi - unfortunately you'd have to forteit it.
If you knew you were unable to play you might want to reconsider playing. If you did play, and win, it would be up to you to decide if it was worth changing your plans. It's a bit of a unique game this one.
If you knew you were unable to play you might want to reconsider playing. If you did play, and win, it would be up to you to decide if it was worth changing your plans. It's a bit of a unique game this one.
Sky Poker