can you improve in poker or do you just go round in circles and say 'varience' when things go wrong?
i just cant improve at cash game im so inconsistent and its annoying me now cause i spend alot of time on my game and i feel like i might well not have because it hasnt made me feel that much more confident.
I watch poker, read poker books and do at least an hour on a training site a day.
Iv had my best tournament results lately and made good profit, but its cash i want to do well in, i cant say patient and i play hands when i no i shouldnt. I no alot about what to do , but i dont do it and i seem to bluff at the wrong time...always.
im sick of it whats the answer, should i just quit and say at least i made profit or what. its annoying me so much cause im very determined to do well but im at a level i hate, and im still playing ****.
Every poker player has leaks or fundamentals that are not correct - just a process of trying to eradicate them
These leaks can be poker theory to the mental approach to the game, you just need to identify where it's going wroung.
For example my biggest leak is tiredness, so I don't play when tired or try and identify when I am starting to lose focus because I am tired.
You may know the theory and apply it very well but lack certain mental aspects that will hold you back.
Build your game back up from the ground up, learn the basics again and put right what your doing wroung
Sometimes we have to go back two steps to be able to move forward one
i went to 3 tables and i kept losing, i wouldnt moan if i didnt try but i think i try hard and i dont see no improvement. I need somone whos better then me to sit next to me and say whats going wrong cause how am i meant to identify the mistakes? if i could do that i wouldnt be so bad to start with lol
I'm lacking confidence in my game, in spite of knowing I have a reasonable understanding of the theory. I put that lack of confidence down to my personal life going catastrophically wrong in the last couple of years. When you're not feeling good about yourself, you shouldn't expect to feel good about your poker.
I hardly play anymore as a result and when I do play, I don't play well. I don't know if your frustration might also be due to other 'life' problems.
There are always technical elements we need to improve on, though. Alot of players reach a plateau in their performance when they can't improve by simply playing to the guidelines that they've learned. So many break even and small winning players still just play their hand and their position and don't really play their opponent. Being a winning player doesn't mean you're thinking about the game in the best way.
Poker is just not that simple!
Simply sounds like your not focused enough if at nl50 your playing better.
You don't just turn into a bad player, either it's a mental thing or your just running good at nl50 and it seems like your playing better. Or you have something fundamentaly wroung with your game and it really shows it self when your running neutral or even -EV.
I read an intresting arcticle where the reason you don't fold is because your curious.
And it's human nature to be curious as this how we evolved our civilasations.
Basically you need to trust your poker instincts and fold rarther than letting your natural curiosity take over.
My instinct, from how you have described your game, is that you need to improve your hand reading skills. (Could be wrong, obv).
You can get away with it in tournaments, to some extent, but because cash games are typically deeper, it becomes a more important part of the game.
Also, if you are bluffing into bad spots, this may be because you aren't thinking through what your opponent could have (or their tendencies).