Anyone think they would be a good idea?? i've just started playing them more and when im playing them alongside a few torunies it gets annoying that i dont get a chance to have a break, and when im just multi-tabling them if i decide i want a break i have to wait for all of them to finish wihich takes about 30mins.. I dunno if there are many cons to having a break in sitngo's but if there are then i'd be welcome to hearing them, but me personally i think it would be a great addition to the site
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That way they will be finished by 5 to the hour when the MTT breaks are.
Perfectly sensible imo
Breaks in DYM's would not be a goer, Jordz.
They only last 30 to 45 minutes, & most people multi-table them, so the breaks would be at different times. Sync breaks would not work either, the sync break could be 1 minute in, or at the very moment you are on the cash bubble, which would be a tad irritating in both cases.
Just sit out after the Button passes if you need a loo break.