Wonder if someone can give me some advice.
I have been playing for 2 months now (B/Hs). I either do ok or just bomb out. Had 2 wins and 5 other final tables. Have lost a lot of money as I got carried away and played the big buy in's so gone back down to a level I am comfortable with.
My main issue is when to go all in pre-flop. Pairs are pretty good a lot of the time I know. I have lost 14 times on all ins on AQ now. Should I be going all in on this hand? I normally start off with a raise x 3 or so but if someone calls all in, then I go all in. Some say I shouldn't go all in on AQ but I see so many players going all in on a lot less. Sky Poker TV seems to recommend going big on this type of hand.
What do people advise as I do get really frustrated with it!
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It is really difficult to say because there are many factors you have to consider but I think the main one is your (or opponants) stack size. You dont really want to be getting AQ all in pre flop with 100+ BB but say you have less than 15 BB or so then I guess in most situations yes you would. You also have to consider how tight or loose has the other person been playing what positon are they raising from and so on and so on.
This is very basic advice and I am sure with a bit of researching online and by just playing you can learn more.
It's very difficult to give advice on how to play a specific hand beccause every situation is different. In fact, anyone giving you advice on "How to play AQ" in general, should probably be ignored.
Post some hands in the poker clinic and hopefully we'll be able to give you some good advice on the specific situations. That way you might see how you can adapt your actions to the situation a little better.
when sky themselves are recommending going allin with AQ preflop they talking about the the late stages of the tournaments and when you have just got 10-15BBs left.
That's what I meant.
Craig, that is what I have come to the conclusion of. If I am getting "desperate" then go for it, if not then take the other stack sizes into consideration.
I just find it hard to fold AQ if somebody shoves. Being a beginner this is something I need to clearly do.
Appreciate the words of advice!
Had two tournament victories (best £450) so I must have some of the basics there. Had quite a few top tens as well but bomb out so many times getting over aggressive.
The real difference is........
If we are up against another player with a really short stack, then our AQ is plenty good enough to set him all-in, because he is most probably shoving/calling you with a very wide range of hands.
If we are holding AQ etc against a player with a similar or bigger stack, then we really need to be looking for better hands.
If you have position, then by all means raise with it pre-flop.
If you don't have position, then I prefer to just make the call with it pre-flop.
Once the flop is down, reassess the board to decide your next move.
Don't shove all in on the flop just because the board flops low - more often than not in Bounty Hunters a player has called to the flop with much lower cards than they would in standard Texas Holdem, so there is always a chance they have hit it and your AQ is behind at this stage.
If everyone folds round to me and I am up against a shortstack, I will alway shove/call with AQ etc otherwise I want to see a flop and reassess.
Always be aware of the stack sizes around you before commiting all your chips.
Good Luck.
Just actually won two all ins with AQ lol, was short stacked as well.