Hi guys
After a couple of months self- enforced break due to 'poker apathy' if there is such a thing, I've eased back into it by playing in a couple of Dtd Mondays. An incident occurred which I've had happen before but not so blatantly. We were having a good table a couple of hours in and I was enjoying the game. UTG+1 goes all in, pass, pass then suddenly in chat comes......
"Call me! Q9. I've got to go"
Anyway BB calls with something like K7 off suit, obviously not a hand you would normally , and wins.
Now to my mind that's not the best way to deal with things in this situation. Surely just leave it there to blind away. Yes people will squabble over the away stack but at least there's a smattering of assessment of the situation needed.
I wonder if say for the Dtd, obviously with the agreement of people running it, that a notice could be pinned to the entry each week suggesting that any player having to leave just leaves his stack to blind away. Or does anyone have another way. I'm not suggesting any skulduggery in the slightest and I don't blame the caller for his action whatsoever but I do feel that a uniform approach in these situations would be more appropriate, fairer and allow the table dynamic to be less drastically altered.
It would also stop any accusations of team mate topping up that could possibly arise too not that I'm saying it does.
Don't get me wrong, I love playing the Dtd , the friendly banter, team situations etc and this is only a suggestion . If people are happy to let it be up to the individual as its his money paying then fine.
Anyway, I'm just hoping to get my mojo for the game back and enjoy it as much as I used to do. Certainly the Dtd last night helped last night though two poor all-in calls on the river gave me food for thought!!!! Maybe next week eh? There's always that with the Dtd, isn't there?
cheers all......nice to be back to the forum......
The whole idea of having the collusion rule in place is to avoid certain players gaining an unfair advantage on other players by sharing information, for whatever reason. While this technically would mean he's broken the rules (if he only declares he has to leave when it comes round to the bb), so long as he announced it prior to the hand being dealt, I see no problem with it, and would let it slide. He's not trying to get an advantage, and by letting you guys know it advance, (rather than letting it fall to someone in the blinds) you ensure he's not JUST saying that because they're his mates in the sb/bb, and he would rather they bust him than anyone else.
Tricky spot, but i'm pretty sure his intentions were all well and good, and due to there being virtually no-edge gained by any particular player by him accouncing his intentions, I think it's fine.