CONFIRMATION OF PRIZES! 1st TINTIN - SATURDAYS (11th MAY) £33 B/H (this will be the 1st prize now in future weeks so to give a little bit of time for the scores collator) 2nd MAXALLY & 3rd Tsaaaar - Entry to Mondays DTD games (13th May) Thanks to Sky Lee for sorting these. Posted by MAXALLY
Yes, it's great fun. I find if you're chatting to other regs about the comp 'how are you getting on in community night' 'what's your score' etc then others' ears at the table soon pr*ck up (lol at the * requirement!). It's great there are so many affordable tournaments, and what more incentive than to dethrone Tintin (drug testing imminent...)!? Let's get these enquirers over to the forum and involved in the fun.