PlayerActionCardsAmountPotBalanceDODGY65Small blind £0.10£0.10£50.17RemyMartinBig blind £0.20£0.30£23.48 Your hole cardsJA LuigiP711Call £0.20£0.50£24.01donkeyplopFold xCall £0.20£0.70£21.38robbie1992Raise £1.00£1.70£26.46DODGY65Fold RemyMartinFold LuigiP711Fold xCall £0.80£2.50£20.58Flop 34A xBet £2.50£5.00£18.08robbie1992Call £2.50£7.50£23.96Turn 8 xBet £3.75£11.25£14.33robbie1992Call £3.75£15.00£20.21River 7 xAll-in £14.33£29.33£0.00robbie1992Fold xMuck xWin £14.25 £14.25xReturn £14.33£0.75£28.58
Very active loose player, i was prepared to get stacks involved judging from my reads of this opponent. I called flop to keep bluffs in and plan was to c/c all streets, same on turn no raise so he can keep bluffing. River i bottled it, i looked at what i could lose on the hand i had which can easy be beat. Where did i go wrong?
1. is my hand good enough for my plan of stacks?
2. is there any other way to play this hand to avoid this akward decision ?
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