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PlayerActionCardsAmountPotBalancestienSmall blind £0.10£0.10£22.76xBig blind £0.20£0.30£36.25 Your hole cards10A RemyMartinFold davecharmsRaise £0.40£0.70£17.33telboy111Fold robbie1992Raise £1.20£1.90£21.04stienCall £1.10£3.00£21.66xRaise £1.80£4.80£34.45davecharmsFold robbie1992Call £0.80£5.60£20.24stienCall £0.80£6.40£20.86Flop 4108 stienCheck xBet £2.00£8.40£32.45robbie1992Raise £5.20£13.60£15.04stienFold xRaise £6.40£20.00£26.05robbie1992All-in £15.04£35.04£0.00xCall £11.84£46.88£14.21xShow88 robbie1992Show10A Turn 5 River J xWinThree 8s£45.08 £59.29
is there any excuse for this? the guy was very fishy and this was towards the end of the session i was tired and the time i organised to quit i had gone past should i just flat on the flop and try to get to showdown? ifi did flat i woulda folded the turn possiably and not have lost my stack.
Turn is tough if he leads again, probably a fold on that specific card.
First think about pre-flop. Usually a cold pre-flop 4-bet from the blinds is a very nutted range, all of which totally dominates our AT. Against that range calling, even in position, is likely to be very bad.
If we think that our opponent has a super-wide 4-bet range pre-flop, then I don't mind the call. Assuming we think AT is ahead of alot of that range, then we can see a flop in position. We must think our opponent is going to be making lots of moves, so we need to be willing to call down fairly light or make moves when we miss, representing good flops for our perceived range.
However, we hit the flop and all those thoughts go out of the window when we make the raise. Now we've got top-pair and, if he does have a wide range including lots of weaker hands, we're just forcing him to fold all those weak hands. Why? Call the flop bet if he can be betting lots of weaker hands and let him keep betting them.
When we raise, we let him fold his weaker hands and play his bigger hands for easy value against us.
If they're fishy in the sense that they'll see a flop like this and think they have the nuts and happy to get it in with QT, then it's not so bad.
If they're fishy in the sense that they will just keep piling money into the pot with complete junk and no equity just trying to make you fold, then again it might not be so bad to stack off to them with TPTK, but I'd do it by flatting and calling down to let them carry on bluffing.
yes thats correct the way i played it makes it very unlikely that i will win the pot, but then i guess random things like this is why im playing at 20 nl lol