The £5.25, £100 Guaranteed PLO8 got 40 runners, so double the Guarantee, & two extra £1.10 PLO8 jobbies attracted around 25 runners each.
Hope everyone enjoyed it.
I never saw if the PLO8 Cash Tables got any extra action, but I will try & organise a PLO8 Cash evening soon.
The PLO8 DYM's were running all evening, especially at the lower levels, such as £2.25, where there were at least 3 on the go all evening.
PLO8 DYM's must be the lowest variance form of poker possible. You'll never make much money, but if you follow basic PLO8 & DYM strategy, you'll struggle to lose much either. They really are fun to play, too.
We had another fun evening.
The £5.25, £100 Guaranteed PLO8 got 40 runners, so double the Guarantee, & two extra £1.10 PLO8 jobbies attracted around 25 runners each.
Hope everyone enjoyed it.
I never saw if the PLO8 Cash Tables got any extra action, but I will try & organise a PLO8 Cash evening soon.
The PLO8 DYM's were running all evening, especially at the lower levels, such as £2.25, where there were at least 3 on the go all evening.
PLO8 DYM's must be the lowest variance form of poker possible. You'll never make much money, but if you follow basic PLO8 & DYM strategy, you'll struggle to lose much either. They really are fun to play, too.