no one going to really be able to answer this question because its hypothetical and you couldnt possible be accurate so just give an opinion, i was watching a bit of poker yesterday an phi livey came on, it got me thinking, if phil ivey was to give up a year of his time to play mtts on sky what do you think his end of year sharkscope winnings would be?
These two words don't belong in the same post #fail
on a side not:
to what extent would it benefit him to remain anonymous?
Not sure he could make another £40k+ from the other MTTs that Sky run, unless he runs very good in a few UKOPS
He'd be busto.
No, really.
Argh... nooooo, REALLY, I mean it, sincerely ffs.
Just think how hard he'd degen on SkyVegas, it's only a click away from the lobby after all. He'd be broke in a matter of months grinding the pitt games all day.
so true.......degen !