How do you all use your PP? Love to know how many some people have? Especially the regs who earn thousands a month. Is it capped, I just imagine some people having a million PP!
Poker points are deducted to the nearest hundred now so the days of amassing tens of thousands are in the past.(the most you can keep a month is 99 most likely a lot less) Which is all well and good for those that have stashed them under the old sytem but for new players and those who have used there's up and want to play freerolls the choice is use your points or keep them to redeem for c4p's reward not both.
Dont you think it would be great if you could use PP to buyin to normal tournaments. Even if it is say 1000 PP for a £10 buyin but I guess getting paid twice for your PP is a bit much but it wuld be a good loyalty reward.
SOme suggestions would be good. Mine would be some better structured FR's or more varied. For instance the timed FR was brilliant to play as trying to grind for 3h for very little reward is tiresome and often if I do play them its basically allin/fold play in a small screen at the side of my monitor.
Shows me as earning 12k this month but only having a total of 33k (for 6 years play!?)
Which is all well and good for those that have stashed them under the old sytem but for new players and those who have used there's up and want to play freerolls the choice is use your points or keep them to redeem for c4p's reward not both.