I understand this is very bad etiquette, to be chip leader and make such a crazy fold to keep one of your mates in. But is there any rule against it in terms of collusion?? I'm pretty sure you couldnt get away with it live but is there a rule against it?? as you can imagine im very bitter as he came back and him and Karlluke took the first 2 positions and satellited into the tournament. Are you allowed to actively work together as long as nothing is mentioned in the chatbox?? or is it just a grey area within online poker.....
and History #657374171 (18:48 27/05/2013)PlayerActionCardsAmountPotBalancejordz16Small blind 500.00500.008217.50....Big blind 1000.001500.0022350.00 Your hole cards23 ....All-in 1190.002690.000.00petebrynFold jordz16Fold ...Fold .......Muck .....Win 2500.00 2500.00....Return 190.000.002690.00
0 ·
I know it looks bad but sometimes players just have their action set on check/fold without looking at stack sizes and this could just be one of those times imo.